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Finland Recession And The Fall Of Sweden GDP

The Nordic countries are often seen as a beacon of stability and prosperity in the world. However, recent economic developments in Finland and Sweden have raised concerns about the strength of their economies. Finland has entered a recession, while Sweden’s GDP has fallen. This essay will examine the causes and consequences of these economic downturns and suggest possible solutions.

The Fall Of Finland’s Economy

Finland’s economy shrank by 0.6% in the second quarter of 2022, marking the second consecutive quarter of negative growth. This means that Finland has officially entered a recession, which is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. 

The main cause of Finland’s economic downturn is the global economic slowdown due to the Ukraine and Russia war, which has reduced demand for Finnish exports. Finland is heavily dependent on exports, particularly to other European countries, and a slowdown in those economies has had a significant impact on Finnish exports. Between October and December, the volume of Finnish exports fell by 2.9 percent compared to the previous quarter, while imports fell by 2.4 percent. However, the Finnish economy grew by 2% last year compared to 2021 for the entire year

Another factor contributing to Finland’s economic troubles is the decline of Nokia, the Finnish mobile phone giant. Nokia was once the world’s largest mobile phone maker, but it has struggled to keep up with the competition from Apple and Samsung in recent years. This has led to a decline in Nokia’s sales and a reduction in its workforce, which has had a knock-on effect on the Finnish economy as a whole.

In addition to these external factors, Finland is also facing some internal challenges. The country has a rapidly aging population, which is putting pressure on the welfare state and creating a shortage of workers. This has led to a decline in productivity and a rise in public spending, which is exacerbating the economic downturn.

The Fall Of Sweden’s Economy

Sweden’s economy has also experienced a downturn in recent years, although it has not entered a recession like Finland. Sweden’s GDP fell by 1.1% till the fourth quarter of 2019, marking the first decline in GDP since 2013. The main cause of Sweden’s economic troubles is the slowdown in the global economy, which has reduced demand for Swedish exports.

Sweden is also facing some internal challenges, such as a housing market bubble that has led to high levels of household debt. This has created a risk of financial instability and a potential housing market crash, which could have a significant impact on the Swedish economy. While Sweden’s economy did not experience two consecutive declines in GDP, it did contract. GDP in Sweden fell by 0.2 percent in the fourth quarter compared to the same period the previous year. According to the SCB, the Swedish economy grew by 2.6 percent in 2022. According to the Swedish central bank’s most recent forecast, GDP will fall by 1.1 percent this year, in line with the European average. According to the government’s and the central bank’s most recent forecast in December, Finland’s GDP will fall by around 0.2 percent in 2023 before recovering in 2024 and 2025.

Solutions To The Economic Challenges 

Despite these challenges, there are some positive signs for both Finland and Sweden. For example, Finland has a highly educated workforce and a strong technology sector, which could help to drive economic growth in the future. Similarly, Sweden has a well-developed welfare state and a strong social safety net, which could help to cushion the impact of any economic downturn.

There are also some possible solutions to the economic challenges facing both countries. For example, Finland could focus on diversifying its economy away from exports and towards domestic consumption. This could involve investing in infrastructure, education, and research and development to create new industries and stimulate economic growth.

Sweden could also take steps to address its housing market bubble and reduce household debt. This could involve tightening lending standards, increasing the supply of affordable housing, and promoting responsible borrowing and saving habits among Swedish households.


The economic downturns in Finland and Sweden are a cause for concern, but they are not necessarily a sign of long-term decline. Both countries have strong foundations and positive attributes that could help them to weather the current economic storm. By addressing their internal challenges and taking steps to diversify and strengthen their economies, Finland and Sweden could emerge from this period of economic uncertainty stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Categories: NEWS
Sahil Moldharia:
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